Today I went on a walk with God. And by that, I mean I literally went on a walk and had a conversation with Him. It’s not the first time I did this, and it certainly won’t be the last, it’s another form of prayer.
At the start of our walk my mind was exploding with thoughts. I didn’t even know where to start. However, while searching my thoughts I realised something; in the last two days I had taken small, but important steps into solving two pending issues, two issues that had been on my mind, for weeks (one of them even for months). And I realised that right there, right then, I didn’t have anything to think about or worry, because I had taken the necessary steps, and it still wasn’t the time to think about the next steps to take, let alone worry about them.
Very often we are so focused on achieving big goals, that we don’t stop and acknowledge the smaller goals that we achieve every day, which are just as important as our big ones, as very often they eventually are the ones to pave the way for our big accomplishments.
So today I invite you to find some quiet time, think about the issues that are particularly troubling you, think about the steps you’ve taken so far to try and make things better… acknowledge these steps, and find a way to reward yourself, you’ve earned it! Are there any immediate steps that you can take in the present moment? If yes, take them! If no, don’t think or worry about them for the time being, give yourself a break, you’re doing great!
God bless you!