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Writer's pictureIsabel Micallef

Fighting for me

When I first heard this song I was sitting in my car waiting for time to pass before mass. I

was feeling extreme anguish. Everything came crushing down – my self-esteem, my energy

to live, my sense of being loved, my hope for healing, my trust in God.

I forgot that I had downloaded this song on my phone (as I never heard it before) and when

it started to play, it revealed something within my heart.

“You are the peace when my mind’s at war”

I had forgotten who I was. I was self-rejecting myself. I was completely blinded and was

bombarding myself with negative messages from the world, that I lost sight of my real

identity – my identity as the beloved child of God.

Our true identity is found in Jesus! He is our peace! Psalm 139: 13-14 says "For You formed

my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvellous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." His words brought once again comfort and peace.

This song helped me to realise that I don’t need to fight because I am not alone. God is with

me and he is fighting for me. Even on our darkest day, God is still with us even if we don’t

feel it. God still fights for us.

On this same day a priest mentioned a video that he shared on his social media. It was a

homily by a bishop and in his homily the bishop said “Rejoice because the Lord is with us.

Look carefully whenever you are afraid, it is because you have your gaze fixed upon

yourself. Look up! If we look at Him we cannot be afraid. But of what should we be afraid of?

He is with us!”

He is with us! Do not be afraid! That's the beautiful thing about God. He sees us. His heart is of kindness and acceptance. Whatever struggle you're facing, know that God is with you--always. I hope this song reminds you of this and of how valued and worthy you are!

Below is are links to listen to the song 'Fighting For Me' by Riley Clemmons on Youtube and Spotify.

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