Trust is a difficult task. Trusting God, trusting the journey, trusting other people, trusting yourself. Trusting that it will be OK.
I find trusting super hard. Trust is something very fragile. It is something that takes a whole lot of time to build and a few seconds to break, and it hurts like hell when it does. When you have trusted countless times and had that trust broken as much, you might find yourself in a position where you’d rather not put your trust in anyone anymore, because people disappoint.
People disappoint, but God doesn’t. If we put our trust in Him, we will never be disappointed. Well, actually we might be. When we ask Him for a particular favour, and He doesn’t grant it to us. Darn! We can really trust no one, not even God. Or can we?
Trusting God doesn’t mean that He will give us exactly what we asked for, it goes way beyond that. It means trusting that what He will give us is way better than what we asked for. Does that make sense to you? It does seem like a big risk come to think of it, but hey what are we going to
lose by trying?
When Peter tried walking on water, like Jesus, and failed, Jesus told him that he had little faith. Imagine what he would have done if only he had
had a little more. In another occasion when the disciples couldn’t cast away the devil from a boy Jesus told them that if they had had faith as big as a mustard seed (which by now we should know that a mustard seed is very very small) they could move mountains. So just imagine how our lives would turn around if we managed to put a liiitle more trust in God.
And yes, people disappoint, so we might choose to go at life alone. But that can be a very lonely way to live. Life wasn’t meant to be lived alone. We are social beings. Life is about forming bonds and communities, sharing experiences and advice. So, let’s put our faith in God, but let us also give people a chance. Yes, our trusts might get broken, yes, we might get hurt, but at least every time this happens we should know that we can always count on God, that He will always give us something better than what asked for or what we “lost”.