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  • Writer's pictureIsabel Micallef

Music Mondays - An introduction

“When we sing who He is.. we remember who we are” - Jonathan Helser.

Very often we find ourselves struggling to find the right words to pray with, or just to sit down quiet ourselves and pray. We need a little push and inspiration! And the idea behind Music Mondays is to suggest songs that will help you with this. Whatever you are going through,

whatever you need to pray about…we hope you are able to find a song, a lyric that will express that which is in your heart at the moment. Whether it is something you are thankful for, something you need help with, an encouraging word to help you overcome a difficult situation, our aim is to explore as many different forms of praise and worship to help with any situation we might be going through!

And what better way to start off the week with some good music? May these posts set the pace for the week ahead of you… and may you always find ways to sing the song that is in your heart!

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